I can count on exactly one hand how many family portraits I have in which we all look relaxed and happy. You know, like we are enjoying each other and life. Ummm, well I don’t need a hand really, it turns out that the only family portrait we have is of us looking stiffly at the camera. Plus, if you look closely enough, you can see that my smile is a little extra “tight” since I have had to cajole the whole family into this studio to try to capture one moment in time when we finally, simultaneously were all “shiny, happy people”.
So imagine my excitement to find that today’s deal allows for us to get out to the playground, or the lake, or the forest so that we can capture ourselves in a more natural, happy atmosphere. Then we will be able to say “Remember that fun day when we went and got that great family photo taken?”
That, my friends, is a moment we all want to capture.