Love that is an online shopping site where you can get great deals from local merchants. The goal of the website is to bring great deals to customers, and great customers to businesses!
To participate in these great deals, all you need to do is enter your email into our subscriber list. By subscribing you are simply requesting that you get an email to notify you when a new deal is available. Then you choose whether or not to purchase the deal. If the deal appeals to you and you decide to purchase, you simply print your voucher from your account on the Love that Deal website and redeem it at the merchant.
At Love that we are committed to finding a diverse cross section of reputable, top quality, local businesses who are interested in highlighting their services to new clients. The deals can be up to 90% off, giving you, the customer, the opportunity to try a new service or product, while saving money. So you save lots of money, and get a chance to discover all the great businesses in your own backyard. We think that is a deal everybody can love!