History is marked by people made famous by doing extraordinary things. We celebrate our collective human ancestry when we think about charismatic leaders, innovative inventors and brilliant scientists. Yes, I am ultimately grateful to Alexander Fleming when my son has an ear infection, and of course Alexander Bell laid the groundwork for me to be able to enjoy my cell phone. However, I am equally grateful to Mary Anderson when the rain is pelting my windshield, and Gideon Sundback when using my “continuous clothing closure” to keep the wind out of my jacket, and who could forget Lazlo and George Biro who made the instrument available to easily write on paper.
As a woman I am also equally grateful to Lady Duff-Gordon of Lucile who was a pioneer in developing lingerie that freed women from corsets. Today’s deal is in her honour as you can go to Babydoll and get some modern day, flattering, comfortable, yet sexy lingerie.